Sunday, October 31, 2010

Two More Hours

Josh thinks I'm crazy, since sleep is most definitely at a premium at our house, but I'm staying up to hit the midnight madness. I'd like to get a a page done so that I've got a little head start for "tomorrow," since I've got a full day of *gasp* paying work to get done between 8-5.

This morning my first few sentences occured to me. I hope it's not cheating, because I'm definitely using them.

And now to keep myself busy, and awake, for the next few hours. I think I might go make soup...

ETA: Didn't make the soup, but made it to the starting line. Did some writing. Hope it gets better tomorrow, because I've already shifted to shit-mode.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Feeling Inspired

Love her, love this video. It's about song writing, but holds true for prose as well. Filing away as inspiration.


One year later, another failed attempt under my belt, I'm going to attempt it again.

Coming at it from a slightly different angle this year. For starters, I've got a solid idea and an outline. Second, I'm only going to update my word count at the end of chapters, so no updates throughout the day to drive me crazy. Third, I'm going to type in wordpad, so I'm not tempted to check my word count every other minute. And more than anything, I'm going to try and finish the actual story, and not just worry about finishing the 50k. I'd like to go beyond this year. Yeah, pretty stupid, right?

Other than that, I'm considering posting chapter excerpts here daily. We'll see how that goes. I'm pretty unrealiable, so don't count on it actually happening.

One more day to go.