Sunday, November 1, 2009

So far, so good.

We're only one day into November, but I'm feeling optimistic about where I'm at. Definitely not hitting the 4k mark today (I just kind of hit a wall. I don't even have a good excuse.) but I'm still ahead of the game from a sheer numbers standpoint.

What's even better, I finally figured out a full fledged plot. It's still crap, but it feels good to be steering this old literary bus somewhere besides random word oblivion.


  1. I feel pretty accomplished that I was able to not only write a few hundred over the expected word count, but also write a short play in french and two movie reviews. Ugh, school.

  2. You should so get to count that in your word count! But I guess I'm lucky you can't. :)

  3. I like your book cover, by the way. Very nice!
