Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hiding the Cover

Many years ago, this was my favorite book ever:

I was twelve when I first read it and it completely sucked me in. And not only did I enjoy it, but I was proud that I had read it. I mean, here I was reading a real grown-up book after years of Sleepover Friends and Babysitters Club books. I quickly amassed my own V.C. Andrews library. Within a few years I owned every single VCA book in existence, even the Ghostwritten ones (which at that time amounted to the first half of the Dawn series).

And the madness didn't stop with early adolescence, I continued feeling the love clear into college, and created fan site after fan site devoted to sharing the VCA gospel.
It was a ball of fun then. But embarrassing to admit now? You bet.

The last couple of days I've been putting together a wishlist for the Hubby of things I'd like for Christmas this year. I started with books, of course, and spent more time than I care to admit on Amazon honing my list. I added books, I removed them. This process repeated thirty or so times.

The problem was something I've struggled with for a couple years now. There is a gap between books that bring me the pure joy of reading, and books the that I'm not embarrassed to admit I've read. (There are a few exceptions of choice, as I mentioned here.)

Since I joined Goodreads, the pressure to read books deemed socially acceptable is more intense. Before when I was embarrassed of a book I was reading, I'd just keep the cover down on the table while I was reading at lunch, or I'd crease the spine of a paperback to hide the front cover with the back pages. But now I have a harder time hiding that literary fluff. My account looks like I haven't read anything for ages....but that's not true. I just haven't read much I'm willing to admit to.

Which brings me back to my wishlist. I finally decided that I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me. I put books on that list that are the equivalent of literary marshmallow peeps. But you know what? I'm going to enjoy reading every last word.

A few other confessions while I'm at it:
  • I read young adult books on a regular basis.
  • These days I'm really into reading fan fiction.
  • My favorite mystery series involves a talking teddy bear.
I'm working on not being ashamed of these things.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to be ashamed of and I can admit that I have had some strong urges to reread some V.C. Andrews lately. Also, it's okay to admit that you didn't like Eat, Pray, Love or some other NY Times Bestseller or Oprah book. The best thing I ever got out of one of staff day sessions was a reader's advisory instructor giving us imaginary "get out of reading free" cards. Read what you like, when you like.
